OK, I'm not even done writing about New Mexico, but it's already time to move on. So file plates of enchiladas with grilled fish on the Mekong and streetfood in Phuket, among the many topics I've wanted to write about, but haven't had time to squeeze in. I promise I'll get to it all once I'm settled... hopefully.
We're departing from Albuquerque today on what will be the longest period of transit I've ever under taken. We're flying first to Chicago, staying three nights with a friend, flying to Frankfurt, waiting out a ten hour layover at the airport, then flying to Johannesburg. From there, we'll enjoy some time visiting around Gauteng, Limpopo, and Mpumalanga, before finally moving down to the Cape, where we will finally-- finally!-- settle down.
Of course, once we do get there, that's only the start once again.
Thanks for bearing with me during what will likely be a period of very infrequent postings! I'll try to see if I can squeeze in a post from Chicago. Hope everyone is doing well.