'Monday Night Slam' invitation from Bombay Elektrik Projekt and Friends of Tibet
Bombay Elektrik Projekt’s raucous, informal and super-friendly Monday Night Slam, gets a Tibetan flavour this fortnight, as acclaimed poet-activist Tenzin Tsundue reads out his works. Monday Night Slam regulars, don't miss the special night and watch him perform in the flesh! We continue to seek out the best wordsmiths from across the city, so spread the word out to poets, closet writers, spoken word artists, musicians, any one with a performer's soul. We're anticipating a big night, as and the gorgeous, Rohini Ramanathan (catch her on Red FM, where she captures a million hearts with her voice) will be in charge of proceedings as always. Big ups and loads of love and respect to our resident contributors this month. Monday Night Slam creatives designed by Sathya.